Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HOSEPHINA turns four :]

Here is my beautiful Josephine Michaelis
On March 9, 2011, she turned four years old.
Last Sunday, we had dinner at my mom's to celebrate.
Here are the gifts:

From Aunt Malu-
purple "gutterfly" dress

her two favorites :]
How the Grinche grinches the Cat in the Hat.

Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, The Cat and the Hat, ABC,
Can You Say Di-No-Saur, Wet Pet Dry Pet Your Pet My Pet.

Princess Backpack with
reversible fronts :]

and a Ladybug Pillow Pet.

From Uncle Danny, Aunt Tara, Brett, and Aubrey-
Pink Tee Ball Set

From Gamma and Aunt Hannah-
Goggles, Shark Pool Toys, and Ariel Swimming "Soup"

From Aunt Maile-
Dora Shoes and "Bickani"

Opening my gifts :]

She already loves being four :]She is amazingly adorable.

Can't believe it's been four years since the best day of my life :]
I am so blessed to have her in my life.