Saturday, November 20, 2010


cannot believe I have gone four months without spilling my soul here.

Well, the main reason I even thought to write tonight is because I decided to stay in :] of course, there is always a special reason for staying in, but that's for another post I supposeeee.

So this week, Harry Potter Seven Part One (Deathly Hallows) came out.

Me and my very best lady, Gina, had a whole movie marathon week. When we both got home from school/work, we would throw one in and try to stay awake through it all :] Then today we went and saw HP7 :] of course we loved it.


Okay, now that the nerd is over, time for a recap.

(RACHAEL :] this is just for you my loveee)

WELLLLL work, what can I say about work, it's pretty crazy fun. I love my co-workers and love my babies soooo much. I'd probably be miserable without their shining, toothless smiles everyday. I help young minds learn to sit up, crawl, pull up, and walk. Nothing is more amazing than seeing first steps and, as weird as it sounds, I can't wait to see my own little monsters taking those same steps.

School is... going. My major is Secondary Education with an emphasis on English Education. I also want to coach volleyball. :] sooooo yaaaaa. right now, I'm taking tons of stupid English classes and Education classes and just things I find useless.
However, even though it's hardwork, i loveee my Shakespeare class. Something about old billy really speaks to my soul.

It's weird, I wish my posts looked prettier, more organized. I have no time for organization though, so maybe someday.

Life's CRAZY right now and trust me that it has completely flipped in the past month.

life goes on...every single day. whether we like it or not.

Fun upcoming events:
End of November? Thanksgiving, Family Reunion, Big Boy's Birthday Party NO WORKK :]
December? John, Zach, Casey, Michael and GINAAA's Birthday (ALL TWENTY ONEEE, you big kids) and then VEGASSS FOR NEW YEARSSSSS.
January? Rachael and Bree's birthdays are all that are important right now.

Special Movie Time :]

Well, that's all I've got for now, hopefully see you in sooner than four months. I will try harder, Rachael, promise.



Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

I love you so much.

Martha Davidson said...

This was so fun. I miss you. And I never get an update on your life. I'm so jealous of your job. That is so so so fun, sounding.
and please do keep blogging.