Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's been years...

Oh my word, life is so busy right now.

Here is an update :]



Jon and I are great, loving every minute of loving.


This can be summed up in one word- CONSTANTLY.

I work full time now, I work at a preschool/daycare.

In the infant room, yes with a bunch of little babies.

Somedays it's hectic, but I love EVERYsecond of it.


I got a new apartment since the last time we spoke.

GINA MOVED HOME! and I loveeee every minute of that too.

Otherwise, I'm just living. Trying to balance work and a crazy social life. I'll post pictures later, but my life overall couldn't be better.

Well, I REALLY need to start some school :] but other than that, it's pretty great being meee.

Thanks for caring.


Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

I miss you. I wish you would blog more ;) But I know you're busy. Loveyou.