Sunday, February 27, 2011

DoDo-eeese :] one.

So this weekend Josephine came over and we had a slumber party at Gamma's house.

Now, you should know that ever since she has learned how to speak she has always been my very favorite person to talk to.
So, I've decided that whenever I hang out with her and have a good conversation, I will blog about it :] We will call it DODO-EESE.

Some of my favorite dodo-eese statements from this weekend?

-We were looking through pictures on my phone and she saw one of Jon and she got excited and here is how it went.
Josephine- WAIT! What's that?
Malu- What's what?
Josephine- What's that Jon?
Malu- What do you mean? That's Jon.
Josephine- I don't know that Jon.
Malu-Yes you do Joi. Who is that? (points at Jon again)
Josephine- OH! THAT'S JON!

-We are choosing who sleeps on which bed (WHICH ARE EXACTLY THE SAME sheets and all)
Malu- Which bed is yours jo?
Jo-I want this one(left) and you have that one (right)
Malu- noooo, I think I want this one (right)
Jo-nooope, I like this one better. that one is TOO white.
Malu-Joi, they are both green now, Gamma bought new sheets.
Jo- No Malu, it's too white and it's for you.

-We laid on separate beds.
Malu- Goodnight my little stinkgirl. I love you.
Jo-Goodnight stinkbum. I love you. (30 seconds of silence)... hey malu, what's your favorite animal?
Jo-What's Hannah's?
Malu- I don't know.
Jo-What's Maile's?
Malu-I don't know, do you know?
Jo- I don't know what they like? Maybe a hippo, maybe a horse, maybe a unicorn, maybe a reindeer. i don't know goodnight!

Jo- Malu, what are you dodin?
Malu-trying to sleep.
Jo-Ohhhh, hey malu, what are you dodin?
Malu-Josephine, if we don't go to bed, Gamma or your mama are going to give me a spankin
Jo-OH NO, well maybe if we ask them nice they will only give you one.
Malu-Thanks Jo, now go to bed.
Jo-Okay but Malu,

Jo- Hey Maluuuuu.
Malu- Joi, what is wrong?
Jo- I need three toys to sleep with, Mom said I could have three toys.
Malu-Okay, what toys do you want?
Jo- Oh, I have Monkey, Dinosaur, and the ball!
Malu-Then what's wrong?
Jo-I just need three toys.
Malu-But you have three toys....
Jo-I know, goodnight!

Jo- dododoadodododanapaohna
Malu-What are you singing?
Jo-just a song.
Malu- Do you want me to sleep in your bed with you?
Jo- YES!!!!!!!
(moves my pillow to her bed)
Jo-I have pillows malu, we don't need yours.
Malu-I want two pillows.
Jo-OHHHHH because your head is bigger than mine?
Malu-exactly, I need two pillows...
Malu- (hahahhah) yuupppp, let's have two blankets.
Jo- This is so fun.

-In the car on the way to Snow Day we listened to "Reflection" from Mulan at least 26 times. She sang everytime and everyword.
When the song would end she would say, "Malu, I want to watch the Mulan song again"
If she wanted us to sing louder she would scream, "ARE YOU SEEEENING IT MALU?!"
Also, I taught her to say "BUMP ITTTT" if she wants it louder :]

I love this girl.


SewBella’s Quilt Cart said...

So very cute, but please don't get her started with the bathroom pictures !!!!

Martha Davidson said...

Man I wish I was an Aunt!!! I would be such a cool aunt, just like you.
You and Josephine and the cutest!