that weren't related to me.
To my very dearest Rachael May, Noelle Elizabeth, and Rena Jean :]
(because you're married names will never be your real names)
Now you'll have to excuse me for being sentimental for just a minute, because you three, better than all others, know that I lack the ability to feel many emotions, let alone sweet ones.
Although I moved away...not by choice... and I am the one who had the hardest time coming back around often, my life would hold little purpose without the three of you in it. Whether it was boys, family, money, or just plain period talk, you have been there through every piece of it. We've seen each other at the very top and even watched one another fall to our deepest low. But no matter what, we were there picking up the pieces we could and throwing out the pieces we couldn't. We were but a phone call away. And I know that in our lives we have come to points where we have forgotten that very key fact. But I am so happy to know that never again will I feel like I have lost the three of you.
With little Vallete on the way, Wyatt learning to walk, and Trevor trying to get a little sibling, I have realized a few things. You three, in all your little, adorable glory, will always be SO much different than me. You have to understand how much it means to me that you take me for who I am and the things I do without disowning me (because I am sure there are plenty of times where you thought I had lost it).
Now DEAREST best friends, you all know very well that you will probably have at least another child a piece before I even get married right? You've always known this was going to happen. I was the big boobed, dark skinned, boy crazy girl that got way too much attention for all the wrong reasons who hung out with the cutest, skinniest, white, little 'wanna be c's' ever :] It's our lives together and you'll eventually have to accept every ounce of it. I wish I had my pictures with me right now, because I would scan and post a storm of beautiful photographs of all of us. Someday, someday.
I hope you know how much you mean to me, even though I may not say it all the time.
You've seen me through some of my best moments and my hardest days, forever you will hold a very special place in my heart <3
With all that said, get those baby makers going Rachael and Rena Jean. If you are going to have enough babies for me to not have babies you'll have to get a move on!

I love you so much.
I think I might have just cried.
I love you so much BreastyChesty ;)
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