Sunday, January 23, 2011

&these are a few of my favorite things.

So recently, Gina and myself have been making the most RANDOM list of things that we thoroughly enjoy.... that are simply odd. Some of them aren't really that ODD, but they are definitely things we are SUPREMELY obsessed with. :] So maybe, I'll write ten and see if I feel any better (just so you know, there aren't ANY specific people on this list, well because only like 8 people would make the list and some feelings would be hurt :] soooooo sorrrrry)

1) LOVE Hands down, my favorite thing in this world is love. It doesn't always have to be the love that applies to actual LOVERS either. Have you seen a woman give birth and meet her child for the first time? Have you ever watched a little boy get beat up on the playground, only to shortly after witness his big brother settling the score? Have you ever watched a baby outstretch his little arms to his father who has been at work all day? :] oh but don't get me wrong, lovers love, is probably the best kind of love there is. There is love in every part of our lives. It's the air we breathe, it pulls us from bed in the morning, it keeps us dreaming at night. It's makes worlds turn, breaks hearts, and soothes souls. It makes a person selfless, complete, and true. (Just so you know, it's this LOVE for love that puts Valentines Day on this list, but way farther down).
oh my, the rain. If I wake up and there are dark, (seemingly) heavy clouds outside, there is NO WAY anything can go wrong. The rain is sooo..ah, i don't even have a word for the way I feel when it rains. As odd as it sounds, whole. Whole is the only word I can think of. Rain (although it may be dirty water) is so pure and cleansing.

Humans and animals alike. Of course, my job is PERFECT. I feed, change, love, play with, and cuddle babies (human ones) at work ALLLLL DAY. But if you only understood the recent obsession I have had with baby animals lately

(BABY HIPPOS HAVE THEIR OWN PLACE ON MY LIST). But seriously, baby animals... are the best things ever. I watched that movie "Babies" about all those babies from around the world. I'm pretty sure, that aside from my mommy, I am the only person who sat through all hour and nineteen minutes of it and laughed, loved, and cried :] new life is a BEAUTIFUL thing.


Fruit, Chapstick, Arizona Tea, Blow Pops, Smelly Markers, Smelly Stickers, Laffy Taffy (with the seeds), Jolly Ranchers, Shaved Ice, EVERYTHING. I love watermelon flavored things. There isn't much to say except they are delicious.


I'm a super paparazzi with my camera. I love every kind of photo. Candid, Posed, Blurry, Discolored, Close up, Super Far. I love every angle. I love every face. I love every flash. There is nothing like capturing a moment. And even if I take a horrific picture, they don't get deleted, they are simply placed in a folder with others of their kind :] I hate deleting pictures because you'll NEVER get that moment back. So even if it was an ugly one, don't you want to remember it?


You can think I'm weird if you want to, but tell me that word play, puns, and witty banter don't make you laugh EVERYTIME. Writing down your feelings ALWAYS makes you feel better. (do you like how I emphasize how important things are with capitals? you get ittt?) My dream job? To be a successful rapper! duhh. Not because I spit just the sickest lines or drop super dirtyyy beats, but because of the story they tell with their words. The message they have under their harsh words and freak beats can be REALLY deep if you let it in.


There is literally nothing I can say here. My blackberry is my baby. I love PCs, Macs, mp3, ipads, ipods, camera, my nook. I love technology :] For everyone who doesn't, get over yourself, because it's a new time and it's happening whether you stay an idiot and choose not to learn how to work your toys or not, it's happening.


It changes a mood, it sparks a memory, it fills a soul, and it takes your breath away.


EXTRA CRUNCHY. that's it.


There is something about a rainbow that makes my heart skip a beat. I swear, I know what Pocahantas was singing about with those colors of the wind. Colors: vibrant, dull, dark, light, neon, pastel... all of them. They are amazing. Color is what makes things different from each other. Have you ever seen that movie Pleasantville? Where everything is in black and white and everyone is okay with it... you know... content? But then that girl, just keeps doing whatever naughty things she wants...and suddenly, there is a red rose in Pleasantville. The whole world changes. (okay, so the movie is basically about whether or not it's actually better that there is color in the world because it drives out some of the good things that makes the town wholesome) but that is irrelevant to what I'm saying. Because what I am saying is that there is is so much magic in the yellow sun and blue sky, something majestic about a purple rain cloud, an orange flower, really green grass... you know. If everything was black and white.... life would be so...ordinary.(Just so you know, color's isn't really ten, but I wanted to end the list I put here in a pretty way :])

weird parts of the list?


I could go on forever, but what could would it do us?

this made me happy.


Martha Davidson said...

I love lists like this. And I make them regularly!
and I love love too, and color, and babies, and photographs... basically we have a lot of similar likes. haha

and you're right I totally loved this!