Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dear Gamma, gamma gamma gamma. Love Gamma.

So I know it may seem as if I didn't remember to be grateful in June, but quite the contrary, I was excessively grateful in June. I was grateful that:
-It didn't get too hot too fast.
-That I spent Father's Day with my daddy and brothers.
-That I gained a better appreciation for my life and the people in it.
-That I got to take a roadtrip with my baby girls <3

-But most of all, I was grateful for June 10th, Hannah Nainoa Kalehuawehe's 18th birthday.

Now, don't get me wrong. I realize that we are now in July and I have more things to be grateful for, such as:
-I have a FANTASTIC air conditioning system in my car.
-That I got to visit with the Shaver's while Leisa and family were in town
-That the final Harry Potter came out.
-That I am now the owner of Iago the Iphone <3

-But most of all I'm grateful for July 22nd, Maile Leah Kalehuawehe's 20th birthday.

So, you would think that I would make a post for Hannah in June and a post for Maile in July, however, that isn't how we do things. We have shared everything for our whole lives. Toys, beds, clothes, food, and even our birthdays. Our dad use to make sure that whether it was June 10, July 22, or September 4, we use to all get presents. So I figured, why stop now? So June and July are dedicated you, Hannah Nainoa and Maile Leah <3
My little baby banana bo and dee decka smeee smecka <3

First, I hope you guys have had the greatest birthdays ever.

I know that our whole lives, I've been Malu Mom and have given you a hardtime. I know that I am difficult to get along with, but you guys have done it with the greatest of ease (for the most part). People see us and they envy the kind of sisterhood that we have. If I had a dollar for everytime I was asked "do you guys EVER fight about anything", I'd be a millionaire. I know that there are things that happen between us that people don't always see, but I do honestly believe that we have something that other sister's should be jealous of. In a family full of pyschos, you two have saved my life <3

Thank you for:
-never questioning me when it really came down it.

-always loving me no matter what I did.

-walking with me to the kitchen when I was afraid of the dark.

-covering for me when I snuck in/out.

-going to the park or any other location so that I could spend time with my friends.

-letting me borrow your shoes/clothes/money.

-taking my best friends, as your own.

-mostly, thanks for understanding that though we were reared in the same home, we are different people, who lead different lives. I guess what I mean is thank you for never judging a choice I have made, right or wrong. You two are the only people in the world that I can be completely honest with and not feel judged or like I am going to be disowned.

"What's that?"
"This...uh...this is a frog"
"Well I could have figured that out...maybe not"


Who is your mother and what does he do?

"If you had a choose between mango peach and peach berry mango which would you choose?"
".....pina colada?"


yeah, you are just a boy.

"Take it Hannah!"
"Take what?"

If you don't have opposable thumbs, you might as well be an octopus with eight arms.

All sillyness aside, you guys are the most important people in my life. I would give and do anything for you. I know we've been through a lot of shit, because that's what it was shit, and we did alright. You two are the strongest people I have ever met. It is a complete honor knowing you, let alone being your big sister. There is hardly a person in this world that would speak ill of either of you. You're so sweet and genuine that it's unreal. I envy your kind spirits and big hearts. You never fail to listen to or understand me.I love you more than life itself. I cannot wait until you both bring little angels into this world (BEFORE ME, of course) and I spoil the hell out of them. :) I can't believe some of the adventures life has brought our way and I can't wait to see what else is in store. It doesn't really matter what happens, as long as you both are there, I know it will be alright. Again, I love you. Gosh, I even adore you.

Do me a favor? Stop growing up will you? The older you get, the older I get.

<3 never forget how much you mean to me.



SewBella’s Quilt Cart said...

That was beautiful, and they are just as blessed to have you for a big sister.

Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

You should ALL stop growing up because that just means I get WAY older.

Love you girls...

dutchbunch7 said...

Now that's some beautiful girls, and a wonderful tribute to your sisters. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, I remember those baby faces...always had fun with the Kalehuawehes' Cindy