So ever since the new year has begun, I have been meaning to blog more. Also, since one of my resolutions was to be more grateful, I was hoping to have posted EVERY month about something I was exceptionally grateful for that month. I clearly failed hard. However, we are going to make up for it right now, because this is very important.
JANUARY- I was thankful for new beginnings. I'm not a huge fan of change, but I am a fan of getting to start something out fresh. :)
FEBRUARY- Well of course in February, I was thankful for love. It just seems right, plus I had a fantastic holiday.
MARCH- March marked the one year anniversary of me working at Bright Horizons, so I was grateful for my job. I am so blessed to work at a place that is so inviting. I get to run around (or crawl around) with little munchkins all day. And mostly I am SO LUCKY to have an incredible work family that has seen me through so much for only know each other for a year. I love them.
APRIL- In April, with it being Easter and all, I was grateful for my freedoms. It stemmed from my freedom to be able to worship whatever/whenever I want. But then I thought, I'm really thankful for all my freedoms. I can say, do, and write whatever I want. :) that means a lot to me.
So we come to MAY. Now May will forever be a very special month to me, however this year it holds a very new meaning.
I have been living in a three bedroom apartment in Mesa, when recently (like yesterday), I moved to a new apartment in Tempe. First and for most, moving is dumb and we should stop doing it. Second, I have had a huge realization that my life will never be the same after yesterday. So this May, (and honestly, every month before and every month after) I am grateful for DONTAE JAVON LOGAN and GINA RAE APSEY.

It's funny because almost everyone that I know, I could tell you where we were or what was happening when I met them, but this is not the case for Ms. Gina Apsey. I know that we were in Junior High together and I know that she was in my church ward, but I am not sure what actually brought about our meeting one another (I'm going to feel like a super bad girlfriend if she remembers). However, I do know that since her and I have met, she has been nothing short of a miracle in my life. Whether we were writing all sorts of gossip in our notebook, staying up talking all night at slumber parties, or on the phone a bajillion miles away trying to help mend broken hearts, she has been there. I called her for every boy mishap, every family quarrel, every friend spat, and every first kiss <3 When she moved to Idaho, she very much broke my heart. She had always promised to move back and when I got back from Hawaii, it didn't look like a real possiblity. But, much to my surprise, it worked out (because we're meant to be). She is my very best friend, my rock, and I owe her my life.
[For a second, lets pretend like everyone can't read this? ]
I don't really even know how to put into words how I feel about you. I'm almost positive you should start liking girls soon, cause we are nothing short of meant to be. Since the minute you became my roommate, you were my best friend. You've been there to hold me while I cried, yell at anyone who thought they had any business talking to me smart, or give me a swift kick the rear when I was completely slacking. Your honesty and bluntness amaze me. Now, I hope you know that I absolutely adore you. It has been nothing but a pleasure living with you and I hope that you don't fall off the face of the earth from me (like you sometimes do to your other friends) (and don't even say you don't because I have seen you ignore plenty of people because you didn't want to leave the house) and I am here to say that never will it be too much for me to come to you. You have been an angel in my life and I feel so blessed to have met you <3 i love youuuu sooooo much.
Wondering why we aren't living together again? Well let me tell you what Dontae would say?
What I do know? (and yes Dontae, I will learnt you somethinnnn)
so may is especially for you, for us.
<3 i love you.
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