Friday, February 26, 2010

Don't Judge :[

Our shower drain has been clogged with my long, gross, fallen hairs for as long as I can remember. So the other day Jon went out and bought Drain-O and fixed it :]]]

So I figure why not, since he did that for me, I'll clean the bathroom (which was HORRIFIC, btw)

Anyway, I tried to scrub the shower and it didn't work :[
So Jon got me like a scrubby wire brush thingy and I went to work on this stupid nasty tubbbb.



It may not look like much, but it made a WHOLE WORLD of difference!

Now, maybe I'll get started on the rest of the place....

but then again, let's not get too ahead of ourselves :]


Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

Oh, dude. I so judge you...


SewBella’s Quilt Cart said...

Let me tell you, the mister clean white bars are great, they can clean anything.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Malu!! Baby steps now...don't want to becoming the Queen of Clean in one day! But seriously, clean is better don't you agree?

Loves, Cindy